Timothy, (not his real name)
I appreciate your phone call last week. I
was excited to hear about how God is using you to turn First Church around. (Not
the real name of the church) I am also excited how God is using you to reach
the lost in your town. It is clear that God has given you some special gifts.
It also reveals what a “lay leader” can do.
However, I have some concerns I want to
share with you. I hope you will consider the advice of an older man who has
been in full time ministry for around 40 years. That does not mean I know it
all. But at the age of 65 I have something to share with younger leaders.
First, I am concern about the history of
First Church.
First church has a history of dishonoring
pastors. Our organization has been involved with the pass three pastors of your
church. First church sinned against them and dishonored them. Some of them were
deeply hurt.
I am not saying that they did everything
perfect. In fact, Dick and I warned one of the pastors to slow down. You are
expecting too much, and moving too fast. He did not heed our advice. He then had
to leave. This was very disappointing to us.
Your leadership model may be the best
thing for First Church. But God may not honor your efforts until the people
repent for what they have done in the past. Repentance is often the first step
in the recovery of a church.
Approximately three years ago a pastor led
his church through the steps of repentance. They actually set aside a Sunday
morning to confess their sins against their past pastors. Today the church is
going in the right direction.
Remember both Daniel and Nehemiah
confessed the sins of Israel even when they were not personally involved in the
sin. Remember God honor both of their confessions. And God will also honor such
a confession today.
Second, I am concern about the
relationships of First Church.
Your church has a history of unresolved
conflict. Some blame the past conflict on the pastors. But there is plenty of
blame to go around. One of satan’s greatest tools is to get people to fight one
another so that they cannot focus on the ministry.
But this is the bottom line. Most churches
never learn how to practice the steps Jesus gave us in Matthew 18:15-20. If
someone sins against me I am to go first to that person, and try to work out
the problem with them. Or I am to overlook the offense.
Please understand Jesus gave these steps
of discipline for a very important reason. He gave them not for us to prove our
case. He gave these steps to bring about reconciliation between brothers and
sisters. But more importantly, he gave these steps to bring glory to the Lord
of the church, Jesus Christ.
What a difference it makes when we come
together and listen to one another. What a difference it makes when we ask this
question. “What have I done to hurt you?” Rather than always trying to prove a
Third, I am concern about the doctrine of
First Church.
As an outsider I wonder, “Do the people at
First Church really know and love Jesus? Have they looked at their lives and realized
they are doomed because of their sin? Have they looked at the cross and
realized their only hope is in Christ Jesus? Perhaps things have not gone well
in past because they do not know Jesus.
But I would go one step further. “Do they
understand the doctrine of regeneration? Do they understand justification by
faith alone in Christ alone? Do they understand sanctification? And do they
understand imputed grace vs. infused grace? In other words, do they really
understand the Gospel?
At first glance someone might say the
above doctrines are unimportant. Just give me Jesus. But it is important for
growing Christians to understand within time these important doctrines. And if
handled correctly such doctrines will lead us to a better understanding of the
beauty of Jesus.
Of course we find these doctrines in the
Bible alone. So if your church succeeds they must become people of the Book. (I
know you know this.) But if your people do not love the Bible and the preaching
of God’s Word then your church will not glorify God.
From afar, I watch a church approximately
two years ago fall apart. The church fell apart because they dishonored their
pastor and his family. The church fell apart because they dishonored one
another. The church fell apart because no one was willing to get the log out of
their eye before they got the tooth pick out of their brother’s eye.
Please understand with my present duties
all I can do to help is occasionally fill the pulpit. I have prayed in the past
for First Church, and I will continue to pray for First Church in the future. And
I know First Church could have a bright future.
Our Lord has given you a great challenge.
But I know by the way you talk, you love the people at First Church. So keep loving
them by showing them the Jesus of the Bible. He is the one who will change
their lives and First Church.
Thanks Dan