Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Years ago I worked for a Christian organization. I really enjoyed my work. Like most organization I was required to go through a yearly review process. A yearly review can be helpful in keeping you on the right track.

But I will never forget one review. It was a good review. But my supervisor gave me this important suggestion. “Dan, you need to keep a “to do” list.

There was a reason why Dave made this suggestion. I would sometimes forget to follow through on important items. Occasionally I would drop important balls.

I responded by saying this to Dave. “I do keep a “to do” list.

Dave then raised this question. “Then what is the problem?”

Finally, I gave him this simple answer. “I keep forgetting to look at my “to do” list.

We have looked at creating your mission statement and goals. Now it is time to place your mission and goals into action on a day to day basis. I have found one of the best ways to stay on track with your mission and goals is the proper use of a “to do” list.

At the beginning of each month I write out my “to do” list. In order to accomplish this task, some people find it helpful to get away for the work place noise. Perhaps you will find it helpful to do your monthly “to do” list at a local coffee shop, or some other quite place.

For the month I make two list. I make a list for what I want to accomplish in my personal life and in my work. I then place a star beside the items that I must accomplish in the month ahead. The items with a star have to be accomplished no matter what happens in my life.

Don't be frustrated if you have items that need to be carried over into the next month. That's just part of life. Besides a project may take more than one month. For example, I have been working on a Bible study series for pastors. It's called “Philippians for Pastor.” I have been working on this project for over a year. And that's OK.

Next I plan my week. My week begins on Tuesday. So I normally plan my week on Tuesday morning. I simply look at my monthly list, and decide what I must accomplish for the week. I include all appointments and projects that I need to accomplish in the week ahead.

Finally, I plan my day. I simply make a list each morning what I need to accomplish for the day. You may find it hepful to do your daily list the night before. You may even find it helpful to arrive at work fifthteen minutes early to make out your list. ­

Life is full of busy work. There may be things on your list you do not really what to do. But they have to be done. The important thing is to make sure you plan each month, week, and day in light of your mission and goals. When this happens your “to do” list becomes a tool rather than a burden.

Remember years ago I told my supervisor that I kept forgetting to look at my “to do” list. I am glad to report I no longer have this problem. For years I have faithfully kept my “to do” list. And I regularly look at the list to make sure I am accomplishing what God has given me to do. My list is an important tool to stay on track to accomplish my mission in life.

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